# Working with Dynamic Values As you've already learned, DeepDrill is configured by defining several key-value pairs. E.g., by setting ```INI [video] velocity = 0.5 ``` we advice DeepZoom to zoom in at a pace of 2 seconds per keyframe. The velocity won't change throughout the entire video. However, `velocity` is a so-called dynamic value which means that it can be varied throughout the video. This is achieved by assigning a split description instead of fixed value. A spline is defined by several $x/y$ pairs where $x$ is a time stamp and $y$ is the value we want to assign at that point in time. For the following example, we assume that you've worked through the zoom-video tutorial. I.e., we assume that `project` contains all precomputed keyframes for the video. Then, the zoom velocity can be made dynamic like this: ``` ./deepzoom project video.velocity=0:0/0,0:2/1,0:4/-1,0:6/2,0:8/-2,0:10/3,0:12/-3,0:14/0,0:16/0 video.startframe=30 -o ~/Desktop/wobble.mov ``` This is the result: The following keys refer to dynamic values: - `video.velocity` - `palette.scale` - `palette.offset` - `texture.opacity` - `texture.scale` - `texture.offset` - `lighting.alpha` - `lighting.beta`