# Build instructions This document describes how to download, compile, and install the DeepDrill toolchain. DeepDrill is a Unix-style C++20 application and compatible with most Unix-like operating systems. It has been tested to run on macOS, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint. - **Step 1: Install third-party libraries** To compile the DeepDrill toolchain, the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP) and the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML) are required. For recording zoom videos, FFmpeg needs to be installed on your machine, too. It is executed by DeepZoom at runtime. - Option 1: Install with Homebrew ```bash brew install gmp brew install libsfml brew install ffmpeg ``` - Option 2: Install with APT ```bash sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev sudo apt-get install ffmpeg ``` - **Step 2: Clone the GitHub project** ```bash git clone https://github.com/dirkwhoffmann/DeepDrill.git ``` - **Step 3: Compile the source code** Compiling the application requires CMake and a standard C++ toolchain to be installed: ```bash cd DeepDrill mkdir build cd build cmake ../src make -j ``` The buid process creates three executables: `deepdrill`, `deepmake`, and `deepzoom`.