Instruction Handlers

Instruction Handlers#

This article explains the inner workings of a typical instruction handler in Moira. All instruction handlers are stored in a large lookup table. As explained in the previous article, Moira retrieves the appropriate handler from this table and executes it via a function pointer. To understand how a typical instruction handler is structured, let’s examine the implementation of the ABCD instruction:

ABCD instruction details

Below is the handler implementing the register addressing variant of the ABCD instruction:

template <Core C, Instr I, Mode M, Size S> void
Moira::execAbcdRg(u16 opcode)

    int src = _____________xxx(opcode);
    int dst = ____xxx_________(opcode);

    u32 result = bcd<C, I, Byte>(readD<Byte>(src), readD<Byte>(dst));

    prefetch<C, POLL>();
    writeD<Byte>(dst, result);

    //           00  10  20        00  10  20        00  10  20
    //           .b  .b  .b        .w  .w  .w        .l  .l  .l
    CYCLES_DN   ( 6,  6,  4,        0,  0,  0,        0,  0,  0)


Template Parameters#

All instruction handlers are declared with four template arguments:

  • Core C: Specifies the emulated CPU core

  • Instr I: Specifies the emulated instruction

  • Mode M: Specifies the addressing mode

  • Size S: Specifies the instruction’s data size

For the ABCD Dy,Dx instruction, instruction, the template arguments resolve as follows:

  • C equals C68000, C68010 or C68020, depending on the emulated CPU model

  • I equals ABCD

  • M equals DN

  • S equals Byte

Execution Flow#

1. Availability Check

All instruction handlers begin with the AVAILABILITY macro:


This macro performs a series of assertion checks to validate the C template parameter. Additionally, it calls the willExecute function if the instruction is among those being observed, as specified in MoiraConfig.h.

2. Extracting Operands

The next lines extract the source and destination register indices from the opcode:

    int src = _____________xxx(opcode);
    int dst = ____xxx_________(opcode);

3. Performing the Operation

The bcd function computes the result of the ABCD operation using the values from the source and destination registers:

    u32 result = bcd<C, I, Byte>(readD<Byte>(src), readD<Byte>(dst));

4. Prefetching the Next Instruction

Moira fills the prefetch queue:

    prefetch<C, POLL>();

5. Writing Back the Result

    writeD<Byte>(dst, result);

6. Cycle Timing Adjustments

The following section is only relevant in simple cycle mode:
    //           00  10  20        00  10  20        00  10  20
    //           .b  .b  .b        .w  .w  .w        .l  .l  .l
    CYCLES_DN   ( 6,  6,  4,        0,  0,  0,        0,  0,  0)

In simple cycle mode CYCLES_DN expands to a suitable call of sync. In our example, it expands to sync(6) when emulating a M68000 or M68010, and to sync(4) for all other models. In precision timing mode, the macro expands into an empty statement as the sync calls have already been issued in the correct places in the instruction handler code.

7. Finalization

The handler ends with the FINALIZE macro:


This macro ensures that the didExecute function is called if Moira has been configured to do so in MoiraConfig.h.